26 June 2010

IDC d' USIM 2010 v1.0


After finishing our final examination on 17th July, the first thing came to our mind was Arabic Debate Training with SMKA al Irshad (me and Salman), SMKA (P) al Mashoor (Salman) and SAMTAJ (Huda). 

From 21th - 24th July 2010, Salman and I shared our experiences with the six talented students.  

Ikmal, Izzati, Sakinah

Faezah, Adilah, Syahirah

Both of us were very worried that we cannot completed our discussion in a time given. Fortunately, this year USIM had provided only four motions and its vice-verse to make it eight motions.

We also glad enough to see our juniors were very independent where they discuss and made their own text among themselves before translated by their teachers. 

All the best!

The debaters with their trainer
Day 1

Round 1:  

الأفلام الماليزية تغرس الأخلاق المحمودة لدى الشباب
Malaysian Films Promoting Good Deeds Among the Youth

SMKA Al-Irshad (G) vs. SMKA Baling (O)
SMKA Al-Irshad (G) won. Best Debater : Natasha As-Sakinah (SMKA Al-Irshad)

SAMTAJ (G) vs .SMKA Kedah (O)
SAMTAJ (G) won. Best Debater : 

SMKA (P) Al-Mashoor () vs. SMKA Kota Kinabalu ()
SMKA (P) Al-Mashoor () won. Best Debater : 

Round 2: 

إلزام برنامج الوطنية علي جميع طلبة المدارس الثانوية أفضل

Enforcing National Services on Every Secondary Schools' Students 

SMKA Sheikh Haji Mohamad Said (G) vs. SMKA Al-Irshad (O)
SMKA Al-Irshad (O) won. Best debater : Ikmal Hakimi (SMKA Al-Irshad)

SMKA (P) Al-Mashoor () vs. SMKA Naim Lilbanat ()
SMKA Naim Lilbanat () won. Best Debater :

SAMTAJ (G) vs. 
SAMTAJ (G) won. Best Debater :  

Round 3:

السلع المستوردة أفضل من السلع المحلية

Imported Products are Better than Local 

SMAP Labu (G) vs. SMKA Al-Irshad (O)
SMKA Al-Irshad (O) won. Best debater : Mohd Harith (SMAP Labu)

SMKA Slim River (G) vs. SMKA (P) Al-Mashoor (O)
SMKA Slim River (G) won. Best Debater : 

SAMTAJ (G) vs. SMKA Simpang Lima (O) 
SAMTAJ (G) won. Best Debater : 

Team Ranking for today's tournament: 

2) SMKA Naim Lil Banat
4) SMKA al Irshad
*(G) = (Government) 
 (O) = (Opposition)

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